We have updated the grand entrance details for the upcoming Reconnect 90 event. Please click on the headings “Time” or “Entry Number” to organise the list by time or entry number. The first entry will be at 6:00 PM, and the school name is Vembadi Girls’ High School. Their allocated table numbers are 1, 13, 25, 30, 32, 34, and 36.

The first entry at 6:00 PM will feature attendees travelling from Canada, followed by Australia, Sri Lanka, the US, France, Germany, Kenya, Norway, the UAE, and finally the UK (ordered from the highest to the lowest numbers).

You can type your school name in the search box to find your allocated table and entry time. Individual seating arrangements will be handled by each school’s representative, and once we receive those details, we will update this information accordingly.

Please ensure you arrive by 4:30 PM to allow plenty of time to meet and mingle before joining your group for the grand entrance. This will be the highlight of the day, so don’t miss out!